Schaumburg Township Election Coming April 1, 2025
With the November 2024 elections over, many people are breathing a sigh of relief. But it’s not over. There’s another election fast approaching and it’s very important. It’s the election for Schaumburg Township board members who govern your schools, library, park district, township, and village, your township assessor, clerk, and highway commissioner.
Schaumburg residents pay for these local government agencies with your annual property taxes (First Installment due March 4, 2025). These officials will approve the budgets that use your tax dollars and oversee the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars for local services. They will determine the levy to be imposed on your property taxes for the coming year. You want the best candidates, dedicated to the office they hold and accountable to you the taxpayer. It’s difficult to balance these competing priorities. Note that many officials are never paid for their work.
Four years ago, only 13 percent of eligible voters voted for local officials! Most residents ignored the election. Let this year be different. Be informed and mark your calendar. You don’t want to miss this election.
In 2021, all four Republicans on the Board of Trustees for Schaumburg Township were replaced by Democrats, despite the fact they had done a stellar job managing the budget while expanding services. The reason for the turnover was low voter turnout. Schaumburg Township is now 60%-40% in favor of the Democrats. You can’t afford to sit this out. The election results of 2021 were so close that one Republican trustee lost her seat by only 16 votes.
The current Schaumburg Township Board of Trustees has completed a costly renovation project to add space for additional employees and the Mental Health Board. They’ve formed a DEI Commission. They’ve ordered four electric buses and are currently installing charging stations, and they’ve grown the annual budget from $6 Million in 2021 to $12 Million in just three years.
So what’s the lesson here? When voters do not participate in local elections, Democrats move in, go on spending sprees, and promote their agenda.
YOU can make your voice heard by voting April 1, 2025, or by voting early beginning March 17. We strongly suggest you VOTE EARLY! Our Township cannot function properly when only 13% of eligible voters vote! Here are the Schaumburg Township Republican Organization endorsed candidates who deserve, and need, your vote.
STRO Recommended Candidates
for Schaumburg Township Board

Tim Heneghan for Township Supervisor
- Current Township Supervisor since 2019
- A long-time resident of the Township where he raised 3 lovely daughters.
- 38-year career in the Energy Industry
- As a former Township Trustee and Clerk, Tim has worked tirelessly to secure municipal, county, state and federal funding for Township programs.
- Tim is currently the only voting member on the Board of Trustees who is a Republican.

Char Kegarise for Township Assessor
- A District 54 volunteer since 1980, Char was later elected a D-54 Trustee and served for 26 years, many of them as Board President where she received national recognition for leadership.
- Appointed to Township Board since 2019 where she served as liaison to the Mental Health and the Senior & Disability Committees.
- Village of Schaumburg Bikeways Committee for over 30 years.

Daniel Lee for Township Clerk
- 19-year resident of Schaumburg Township, husband and father of two wonderful children at West Point and Illinois State University.
- Currently serves on the Economic Development Commission and Planning & Zoning Commission for the Village of Hoffman Estates.
- Local businessman with a degree in International Relations & Global Security from American Military University.

Scott Kegarise for Township Highway Commissioner
- Current Schaumburg Township Highway Commissioner
- After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 1975, Scott moved to Schaumburg in 1979 where he raised three sons with his wonderful wife Char.
- Local business owner for 45 years. 48 years in fuel analysis and lubrication for machinery and heavy equipment.
- By working with state and county agencies and municipalities, he has instituted numerous cost-saving agreements to resolve drainage and paving issues, and has reduced the levy in the past three years.

Chuck Cerniglia for Township Trustee
- Longtime resident of Schaumburg Township with an extensive history of business ownership that spans three decades and the father of three grown children.
- Board member of the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing and the Mail System Management Association.
- Degree in Social Science.
- Local advisory board member of the National Ball Hockey League.

Roberto Robaina for Township Trustee
- Schaumburg Township native who attended D-54 and D-211 schools where he played sports and became an Eagle Scout.
- BA in Political Science and MA in Higher and Post-Secondary Education.
- Worked in New York City government overseeing internship programs before returning to Schaumburg Township.
- Works in higher education philanthropy and advancement.

Jon Scannicchio for Township Trustee
- A newly-wed and 33-year resident of Hoffman Estates.
- UIUC degree in technical systems management and has 8+ years of experience in data analysis, planning, and management.
- A fiscal Conservative who believes in accountable stewarding and individual responsibility.
- Holds a strong belief in the importance of connection and community.

Jennifer Wesche for Township Trustee
- A 30-year resident and graduate of Schaumburg Christian School and Bob Jones University.
- Nurse at Alexian Brothers Medical Center for over 20 years, serving in several critical care positions, including ICU, the COVID ICU unit, and the cardiovascular ICU.
- Jennifer serves as a Precinct Captain, and her goals include promoting healthcare, advocating for freedom, and serving her local community.
STRO Recommended Candidates
for Schaumburg Library Trustee

Anita Forte for Township Library Board Trustee
- 20-year service as Trustee for the Schaumburg Township District Library and 7-time Board President.
- Anita led the abatement (refund) of $1.5 Million back to the taxpayers of Schaumburg Township for the 2nd Installment of their 2019 property tax bills.
- Recognized for Excellence in Library Leadership, the 2020 Special Districts in Leadership in Technology Innovation Award.
- Provided open access to all library materials, while maintaining a balanced budget and removing unnecessary expenditures. Priority on all tax dollars being allocated to keep the library operating at optimum levels.

George Rowe for Township Library Board Trustee
- Twelve-year resident of Schaumburg, working in heavy industry for 25 years as a Mechanical Engineer.
- A volunteer for a local church program that serves an important role, in working to end global-hunger
- A Republican Precinct Captain working to get neighbors and constituents the information needed to make wise national and local government decisions.
- Committed to local government investments being spent effectively and with common sense, conservative goals.
STRO Recommended Candidate
for Schaumburg District 54 School Board

Jim Pye for District 54 School Board
- Experienced leader who has served for 8 years on the District 54 School Board.
- Past retail real estate director with MBA (Northern Illinois University) and Civil Engineering (University of Illinois) degree.
- Fiscal responsibility, enacted safety recommendations, including building designs, elimination of annual student fees, D-54 Nights at NOW Arena, and partnership with local businesses to enhance student experiences.
- Graduate of District 54 schools as well as his two sons.